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About NuRoots


My name is Jeannette Mueller, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach certified through The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I am a lover of nature, and passionate about nourishing the whole self: mind, body, and spirit. We were all born with the potential to live vibrant lives, nourished by passion, relationships, spiritual connection and REAL food. 


Join me on a journey to spreading health and happiness, and learn to nourish your roots so that you can truly thrive!


How I work:


I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas if your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationships cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health and how you can improve your overall wellbeing.


My approach doesn't dwell on calories, carbs, fats, proteins. It is not to create a list of restrictions or label foods as good or bad. Instead, I work with my clients to create a happy, healthy life in a way that allows flexibility, love, fun and peace.


Together we'll work to reach your goals in areas such as maximizing energy, improving sleep and digestion, reducing food cravings, and reestablishing a healthy relationship with your body and food. As we work together, you'll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and allow you to live with full vitality.


My Nutition Philosophy:


Bio-individuality: This concept is my understanding that each person has unique food and lifestyle needs. One person's food is another person's poison, and that is the reason why fad diets that promise quick results tend to fail in the long run. Working on the principle of bio individuality, I'll support you to make positive changes that are based on your unique needs, lifestyle and preferences. This personalized approach ensures that you will unlock your full health potential.


Primary Foods: I used to believe that health was about looking good in your skinny jeans, being fit, and eating the perfect diet. Health is not just the way we look, or the food we eat, but all the other factors present in our daily lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, physical activity, passion, and spiritual awareness are essential forms of nourishment. When primary foods are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary. I will support you in achieving all of your goals, from eating the foods for your body to living an inspired, fulfilling life.


Real Whole Foods: I emphasize the importance of local and organic produce, whole grains, high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and water. Eating real foods allows you to benefit from all that nature has to offer us, while also supporting the local economy, and health of our planet. Adding lifestyle factors to your plate will create optimal health, balance and joy. I'll introduce you to some of the most beneficial foods on the planet and teach you how to find what's healthiest for your unique body!


Are you ready to take control of your health and feel empowered?

Schedule an initial consultation with me today!

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